SIE export component.

The SIE format is a Swedish standard for transferring accounting data. For more information, see

Component modes: SIE 5 | SIE 4

Component mode: SIE 4

Line break

The type of line break that is used in the generated document to separate each line. Different receiving programs can handle different line breaks.

The following programs are known to use these line breaks

Program Line Break
Hogia v.? CR LF
File modes: Download | Save | Save and download

File mode: Download

The user downloads the file.

Component settings

Line break
See the Line break section.


SQL Call: Export (mandatory)

May modify database: No

Resultset: Export information

Information about the exported data.
Table count: repeated exactly once
Row count: exactly one row
CompanyName mandatory string
Name of the company to be exported.
CostCenter optional string
The name of the cost center (kostnadsställe) dimension. Should be included if it is used by the export data.
CostUnit optional string
The name of the cost unit (kostnadsbärare) dimension. Cost unit is a subdimension of cost center. Should be included if it is used by the export data.
Customer optional string
The name of the customer dimension. Should be included if it is used by the export data.
Dimension[1..N] optional string
The name of dimension M where M is a number from 1 to N.
Employee optional string
The name of the employee dimension. Should be included if it is used by the export data.
Filename optional string
The name of the file to generate.
Default: Defaults to "SIEYYYYMMDDHHMM.001".
Invoice optional string
The name of the invoice dimension. Should be included if it is used by the export data.
OrganizationNumber optional string
Organization number of the company to be exported. There should be a hyphen after the sixth digit.
Plan optional string
The account plan.
Possible value Description
ProgramName optional string
Meta information stored in the generated file. Should be the name of the program generating the file.
Default: Defaults to the value of the "Application Name" language phrase.
Project optional string
The name of the project dimension. Should be included if it is used by the export data.
Supplier optional string
The name of the supplier dimension. Should be included if it is used by the export data.
UserName optional string
Name of the user who generated the file.

Resultset: Account information (optional)

Result set providing the names of the accounts.
Table count: repeated zero or one time
Row count: zero or more rows
Account mandatory int
Account number.
Name mandatory string
The name of the account.

Resultset: Balance information. (optional)

Table count: repeated zero or one time
Row count: zero or more rows
Account mandatory int
The account the balance information relates to.
InBalance mandatory decimal
In balance for the specified year and account.
InQuantity optional decimal
In quantity for the specified year and account.
OutBalance mandatory decimal
Out balance for the specified year and account.
OutQuantity optional decimal
Out quantity for the specified year and account.
ResBalance mandatory decimal
Result balance for the specified year and account.
ResQuantity optional decimal
Result quantity for the specified year and account.
YearNumber mandatory int
The year that the balance information relates to.
Possible value Description
0 Current year.
-1 Previous year.

Resultset: Export data

The rows to export. Rows belonging to the same journal entry must be grouped together and have the same exportid. The journal entry information is taken from the first row of each journal entry.
Table count: repeated exactly once
Row count: zero or more rows
Account mandatory int
The account.
Amount mandatory decimal
The amount. Positive for debit, and negative for credit.
CostCenter optional string
Cost center dimension value.
CostUnit optional string
Cost unit dimension value.
Customer optional string
Customer dimension value.
Date mandatory datetime
Transaction date. Journalentrydate is assumed if date is not specified.
Dimension[1..N] optional string
Dimension M dimension value, where M is a number from 1 to N.
Employee optional string
Employee dimension value.
ExportId mandatory int
Number identifying the journal entry.
Invoice optional string
Invoice dimension value.
JournalEntryDate mandatory datetime
The journal entry date.
JournalEntryNumber optional int
The number.
JournalEntryRegistrationDate optional datetime
The journal entry registration date.
JournalEntrySeries optional string
The series. Should either be a letter starting from 'A' or a number starting from 1.
JournalEntryText optional string
Journal entry text.
Project optional string
Project dimension value.
Quantity optional decimal
The quantity.
Supplier optional string
Supplier dimension value.
Text optional string
Ledger entry text.

Resultset: Fiscal year information (optional)

Result set containg the fiscal years from which the exported data have been fetched.
Table count: repeated zero or one time
Row count: zero or more rows
EndDate mandatory datetime
End date of the fiscal year.
StartDate mandatory datetime
Start date of the fiscal year.
YearNumber mandatory int
0 for current year, -1 for previous year, and so on.