April 2023
The Calendar: Resources with time scale mode has been redesigned, and the end user can now choose to filter which resource columns are shown.
The mobile version has also been redesigned.
There have been minor adjustments to the default color theme to bring it in line with accessibility requirements.
The warnings have increased contrast between the text and the background.
More years will be visible on screen at the same time in the datepicker's year picker.
When a user enters a password it is obscured by dots, to prevent their password from being shown to the world. This has the unfortunate side effect that should the user make a typo, then they have no way of knowing where in the obscured password it is, and are forced to retype the password from the start.
A button to reveal the entered password has been added to the Password control.
The Password control can assume three modes:
For the New password mode, when the user enters a new password its strength will be evaluated as they type. We hope that this will guide those users who do not have a password manager generate the password for them to use better passwords.
Password strength takes into account not just length and using a mix of letters and numbers, but also the top 10,000 worst passwords, common dictionary words, and keyboard patterns (qwerasdf is not a good password!), among others. Read more
If the user tries to save while mandatory fields are still empty, in addition to changing their background to red, now a validation warning will also be shown for each empty mandatory field.
For Grid menu items that use Row_ExtraText or Row_ExtraHtml there is now a button to expand or collapse all rows on the page at once.
By returning a specially formatted JSON value from the GetEditFields procedure you can now show existing files in the new File upload area control.
In this example Report is an existing file and monkey is a freshly uploaded file.
There's a new system setting UseInfoBoxMemory to disable the InfoBox memory that was introduced in 7.27.001.
The BankID component now supports QR codes.
Systems using personal numbers should transition to QR codes since QR codes will be required and personal numbers will no longer be supported when secure start becomes madatory in 2024. Future versions of Softadmin® might remove support earlier than that.
There are guides for GetEditFields and InsertUpdate using the new guide engine.
The old guides also had support for NewEdit, and the procedures SoftadminDev.CodeGeneration_InsertUpdate and SoftadminDev.CodeGeneration_EditFields already exist, but this is another step towards feature completeness for the new guides.
Links already had the ability to override the target menu item's label and icon, but not its tooltip (description). This oversight has been fixed.