New in Softadmin® 7.26.001

December 2022

Removed support for SQL Server 2012 and 2014

The lowest supported version is now SQL Server 2016.

BankID login

Login with BankID now uses animated QR codes instead of requiring users to enter their personal identity number. The login now also supports both Mobile BankID and BankID for personal computers, where previously it only supported Mobile BankID.


The BankID login in older versions of Softadmin® will stop working in 2024.

Design changes

New design for the weekdays calendar

Calendar: Weekdays mode has received a new design.


Users can choose to temporarily hide the calendar item description to fit more appointments on-screen.


Resources have been moved from the top to the side:


The new design also provides optional support for showing start time by using the CalendarDateTime colum instead of the CalendarDate column.


New design for control lists

The various textbox with... controls and listboxes have received a new design.


Textbox with autosearch

Removal of custom top border

The custom top border has been removed. In many systems the top border was white so you may not notice the change.


New UX features


The new Multi-autosearch control functions similarly to a Textbox with autosearch but allows users to perform multiple searches and add each result to the control.

A box with two names added in boxes and a third name Liam, currently also showing a list of search results whose name starts with Liam

There is now support for disabling top links. Normal top links are disabled with their Conditional visibility SQL and top links from Info SQL are disabled by the InfoSQL procedure.

If a top link uses selecteditems then you can choose to have it disabled until the end user selects at least one item.

The setting disabled without selected items
A disabled top link

Keyboard shortcut to open "pickers"

Controls that have a button in the interface to open a "picker", for example the DateTime control with its date picker, the Colorpicker control with its color picker and the Textbox with dropdown control with its dropdown, have received the new shortcut alt-down to open the picker with the keyboard.

New features

High importance flag for mail

The Email component now supports sending mail as urgent/high importance/high priority by using the IsHighPriority column. Email clients are not required to respect this: Gmail, most notably, does not.

Image Process gains error handling

The Image Process component has gained a new Log error call that it performs when it encounters an unreadable image (usually because it is damaged or an unsupported format.)

Helper functions for identifying PNG and JPEG images

File extensions are not always reliable. We have introduced the helper functions SoftadminUtil.Image_IsJpeg and SoftadminUtil.Image_IsPng that you can use as an extra safety net to enforce rules like "Profile pictures must be JPEG" and "Company logotypes must be PNG".

Ability to inactivate individual service busses

We have added the ability to inactivate individual Azure Service Busses. Inactivation is done on an instance-basis: that is, if you inactivate a bus in development and then deploy to stage then the stage bus will still be activated.

Inactivating a bus for too long may lead to the loss of incoming messages as they exceed their time to live while waiting for a listener to receive them.

You can now generate login links to help pages in the system.