October 2022
All text controls (textbox, textarea, textbox with...) and dropdowns have received a touch-up.
The design for detailview tabs has been updated to make them stand out more.
The Grid component is most useful when the columns in the grid can be mapped to columns in a database table, where the Pivot Grid component is helpful when the columns in the pivot are related to table rows instead. But only the Grid component supported column groups, which could force you to use a Grid where the Pivot Grid would’ve made for a far simpler stored procedure. As part of the new design of the Pivot Grid we have also added support for column groups.
The linear process component has received a new design and optional support for showing icons on the process steps.
You can now choose to use a menu item's InfoSQL procedure on its parameter page as well. @IsParameterPage = 1
will be passed to the procedure when it is called for the parameter page.
The consent checkbox is a checkbox that the user must check in order to be allowed to save. It is used for things like:
Unlike the normal Checkbox control, which is never mandatory, the Consent Checkbox is always mandatory.
We have added the ability to disable row links in the grid. This is in addition the hide-functionality that already exists in grid, hides the entire link column if all rows say to hide the link, but shows links as disabled if at least one row on the page says to show the link.
In order to use the new functionality you must also provide a tooltip explaining why a link is disabled.
When deciding where a field shows its info label you could pick from Label above, Label to the left, and No label. This version introduces a new option: Adapt to device that will show labels to the left on personal computers and show them above for mobile devices.
This example shows how the labels for the timestamps adapt while the label for the description is always shown above.
Published web services can now receive HTTP headers in a way similar to how web service call already could. You declare which headers are used in metadata and then receive a temporary table with those headers when the procedure is called.