User profile pictures. The recommended size is 64x64 px.
Avoid table updates; instead, delete and insert a new row to replace a user's photo. Otherwise, browsers may display a cached version of the old photo.
The Microsoft Graph component has a code example on importing profile photos from Graph.
If you're fetching photos over HTTP you can use an ETag together with the If-None-Match header to only download images that have changed.
If the server you're fetching photos from does not support ETag then you may be able to use the If-Modified-Since header instead.
Name | Datatype | Read | Write | Primary key | Description |
UserPhotoId | uniqueidentifier | Yes | No | Yes | The photo's ID. There is a DEFAULT-constraint on this column. |
UserId | int | Yes | Yes | No | The user the photo depicts. There is a UNIQUE constraint on this column - a user can have at most one profile photo. |
UserPhoto | varbinary(max) | Yes | Yes | No | The photo. |
UserPhotoContentType | varchar(300) | Yes | Yes | No | MIME-type of the photo. |
ETag | varchar(300) | Yes | Yes | No | The ETag value assigned to the image by the server you fetched it from, if any. |
UpdateDatetime | datetimeoffset | Yes | Yes | No | Last time the photo was changed. |