
Lists those credentials that are of type Secret and can be administered by users.

Add row: Not allowed
Delete row: Not allowed
Foreign key: Not allowed


Name Datatype Read Write Primary key Description
CredentialsId uniqueidentifier Yes No Yes Primary key.
InternalName varchar(100) Yes No No The name components and settings use to refer to the credentials.
Description nvarchar(1000) Yes No No User-friendly description of how the credentials are used.
CredentialType varchar(50) Yes No No Always 'Secret'.
SercretAppSetting varchar(100) Yes No No If the credentials are stored in an app setting, the name of the app setting with the secret.
SecretKeyVaultSecret varchar(100) Yes No No If the credentials are stored in Azure Key Vault, the name of the key vault secret with the secret.
UpdateDatetime datetime2 Yes No No
UserGuidUpdate uniqueidentifier Yes No No
UsernameUpdate varchar(120) Yes No No