
Type: Stored procedure

Allows the creation of multiple LoginLinkInstances at once.

The procedure uses the following temporary tables, where #LoginLinkInstanceParameter is optional

CREATE TABLE #LoginLinkInstance
	Id xxx NOT NULL,
	LoginLinkId int NOT NULL,
	UserIdAutoLogin int NULL,
	LoginLinkInstanceIdOut int NULL

CREATE TABLE #LoginLinkInstanceParameter
	Id xxx NOT NULL,
	Name varchar(300) NOT NULL,
	Value nvarchar(4000) NULL

Id is only used to connect each LoginLinkInstance to its parameters and will not be the Id of the inserted LoginLinkInstance. The datatype of Id can be anything as long as it's the same for both tables.

LoginLinkInstanceIdOut will be set to the Id's of the new link instances by the procedure.

See SoftadminApi.LoginLinkInstance_Insert for further explanation of the other columns.