Custom component
Set up a custom component project
A plugin or custom component is used to extend the functionality of Softadmin®.
In visual studio on your local computer
Create a new component
- Copy the template Custom Component, unzip it and store it on your local computer.
- In the root folder you find RenameProject.bat. Run it and enter your new project name.
- If any third party dll's are needed add them to the "bin"-folder too.
- Open the solution file in Visual studio and write your component.
Work on an existing component
- If the C# library is updated (or it is uncertain) copy the Softadmin.Api.dll and Softadmin.Api.xml (for intellisense) from the development servers "bin"-folder into this projects "bin"-folder on your local computer.
- Make the changes.
- Once done proceed to Install in development system.
Install in development system
- Make sure all unit tests pass.
- Check in the code in you version management system.
- Build the project in release mode.
- Copy the project dll and any thrid party dll's from the local "bin/release"-folder to the development servers "bin/Plugin/<component-name>"-folder.
New component
- In the systems "bin"-folder create a folder named "Plugins". Create a subfolder in the "Plugins"-folder named after the component/plugin, this will prevent different versions of third party dll's to interfere and cause problems.
- Register the component in the ADMIN/Custom DLLs/Add DLL. You will get suggestions to find the correct file path.
- Click the row link "Plugins" for the new DLL Register one or more custom components or plugins. Menu items using the new component can now be created.
Deploy from development system
Nothing special is needed, procced with the normal deploy flow.
Custom Component